
A Scorpio since 79 born in Harlem, raised in Queens, educated by sounds flooding the New York Streets, meet Chameleon. Poetry was born in his life after the death of his art in the 9th grade. Chameleon's sense for music was awakened by beats banged on lunchroom tables, performed when asked to pound out sounds for cyphas. He never knew that he had it in him, it was just something he discovered.

Rapping only came into Chameleon's life by fusing poetry with beats. His flow was never concrete, always changing. So he just got used to riding the beat, whatever sounded good with boom-bap. Now poetry and rap takes him to higher mental levels that he sometimes shares with crowds. In the future Chameleon aims to use his talents to provide for himself a comfortable way of life, to inspire family and friends, and to bring a different sound to a new music era.

Index Jskillz MarXman Prolific Darkside